Innovative Storage Systems
Why Storeganizer?
Optimizing the cost per square foot and organizing order picking as efficiently as possible are ongoing challenges in warehouse management. Pallet racking works well for high-volume, fast-moving items, but may lead to big waste of space when it comes to smaller, slower moving inventory items.
How it Works
The textile pockets can be suspended up to four rows deep, and the back rows are easily accessed by simply rolling the lightweight columns in front to the left or right.
The modular design offers built-in customization possibilities, making it possible to start with a basic module and gradually scale the solution according to the company’s needs.
How do you maximize the ROI of your rack space?
A Storreganizer solution concentrates a large number of SKU’s in space by stacking them vertically, reducing the picking area to be covered. Therefore shorter travelling distances leads to higher order picking productivity.
The configuration can also be easily arranged to limit bending and lifting, by storing the fastest moving and/or heaviest SKU’s on higher levels.
“rarely do we achieve a ‘win-win’ with new products. In this case, there are no disadvantages. These columns increase efficiency; eliminate the need for expensive rack upgrades, site expansion or offsite leases; improve tidiness; reduce staff stress and impress corporate leadership. We only eish we discovered this earlier”.
Range of Options
A Storeganizer solution is highly adaptable, featuring a very broad assortment of pocket dimensions and customization options from which to choose.
Our Services
Measuring and installing a storeganizer solurions at your facility can be done at a short notice, including on-site customization.
A storaganizer expect measures the area and the products to be stored using storeganizer’s unique quantisizer software. Based on these measurements, pockets are taller-made, Perfectly optimized to the available space and the type of products the storeganizer configuration will contain.
Thanks to their strong industrial textile fabric, storeganizer pockets come with 10-year rip-and-crack warranty.
Our Post-Installation Service keeps a storeganizer solution as good as new for years, and entrepreneurs and CFOs benefit equally from Storeganizet’s continuous product evaluation.